Wednesday, September 30, 2020




 Mandapalli is Situated 38 Km from Rajahmundry, 60 Km from Kakinada and 30 Km from Amalapuram.In the days of yore, this locality was the holy ashram of the sage Dhadhichi Maharshi. This hermit Dhadhichi has done a supreme sacrifice of donating his valuable spinal cord for the mighty and powerful weapon popularly known as Vajrayudha of Lord Indra, which was employed to kill the deadly asuraas. The weapons wielded by the eight suras in the eight directions called astadikpalakas, killed innumerable ghostly demons. To avenge the death of these demons certain other demons called Aswadha and Pippale invaded the area under reference and brought about untold havoc.

At last the eminent hermit ‘Agasta’ living in South India obliging the prayers of the people and their King assured them of the death of these giants in the hands of ‘Lord Sani’ the son of the Sun God. Further they appealed Sani Deva to protect them by putting an end to these terrible monsters ‘Aswadha and Pippala’. Sani made up his mind to kill the monsters for which he had to wage a war for one long year and killed them. As a mark of this glorious victory he installed an idol of ‘Lord Siva’ here. This instillation of Sivalinga; became necessary for atoning sins of kings that belonged to Kasyapa Dynasty.


So in obedience to the sacred advise of the Maharushis, Sani atoned the sin of Brahma hatya by installing and adoring Lord Siva.

After that Sani declared that whoever worship this Linga by offering the dear gingelli oil etc. would be blessed. He further said that he would bless such devotees obviating all evils that befall them due to the curse Satru.For this reason, Lord Eswara is popularly known as Saneswara or Mandeswara. So people offer gingelli products which are dear to Sani who is the diety here.


Saturday, April 4, 2020


Stephen Flowers, in his book on the German magical order Fraternitas Saturni, (FS) says that "the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly Luciferian organization in the modern Western occult revival". It is also reported that the Fraternitas Saturni holds the view that:
A Logos was necessary in order for the light to dawn; and this Logos was Lucifer, the Light-Bringer. Lucifer is the demiurge, who created our visible world by breaking the static cosmic order. The result was War in Heaven, by which death entered the world. Lucifer is regarded as the "higher octave" of Saturn (Satan representing its "lower octave"), the outermost planet and polar opposite of the Sun in ancient cosmology. Because of this ongoing opposition Lucifer is still fighting the Solar Logos. The principal battlefield is our earth, which contains a negative-astral and a positive-mental sphere apart from its physical form. Saturn is seen as the great judge with scales and sword, entrusted with weight, measure and number. He is the Guardian of the Threshold, or the gateway to transcendence. Because he betrayed divine mysteries to mankind, he has been punished. His heavy, dark, leaden qualities must be transformed into silver by the magician, in an alchemical process involving the "repolarisation of lights". 

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Pippalada pleased Shani who promised that he will never trouble anyone below 16 years of age.

Six sages: 

  1. Kabandhin Katyayana, 
  2. Bhargava Vaidarbhi, 
  3. Kausalya Asvalayana, 
  4. Sauryayanin Gargya, 
  5. Saibya Satyakama and 
  6. Sukesan Bharadvaja approached Pippalada asking him about purpose of life. 
They performed austerities for a year and asked six questions. These questions and answers later came to be known as the Prashna Upanishad.



